التخطى إلى المحتوى


Between blogs, YouTube channels, and podcasts, the CSS community is more vibrant than ever.

CSS Learning Methods

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المدونات والمجلات

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المواقع والمساقات

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We asked members of the CSS community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2023 Pick: The :has() Selector

:has() is the magic that you can use to combine other APIs like container queries, anchor positioning, etc. together. I'm excited to see how the community finds new and innovative ways to use it.
We asked members of the CSS community to share their “pick of the year”


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أي بودكاست متعلق بالبرمجة تستمع إليه؟


Which individuals do you read, follow, or just want to highlight in the JavaScript community?
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أشخاص تقرأ لهم، أو تتابعهم، أو تريد إبرازهم



Chris Coyier
Josh W. Comeau
Josh W. Comeau
Adam Argyle
Sara Soueidan
Sara Soueidan
Rachel Andrew
Ahmad Shadeed
Ahmad Shadeed
Bramus Van Damme
Bramus Van Damme
Miriam Eric Suzanne
Miriam Eric Suzanne
Michelle Barker
🚫 None
No Answer
Which individuals do you read, follow, or just want to highlight in the JavaScript community?
We asked members of the CSS community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2023 Pick: Ahmad Shadeed

Ahmad's blog is a source of knowledge and inspiration, with in-depth explorations of topics, including great visuals and use cases.
We asked members of the CSS community to share their “pick of the year”

Other Surveys

Which other developer surveys do you participate in?
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Which other developer surveys do you participate in?

Recommended Resources

Learn CSS, from Laying Out Websites to Performant Animations

Learn CSS, from Laying Out Websites to Performant Animations

CSS is rich in capabilities and is more than simply laying out pages! Replace costly JavaScript with CSS.
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