콘텐츠로 건너뛰기

CSS is going through a period of unprecedented progress. Between :has(), container queries, subgrid, and many more, new features are making their way to browsers seemingly every month.

The consequence of all this growth is that things can get a bit overwhelming. Thankfully this year we had Chen Hui Jing to help design the survey and guide us through the CSS jungle.

And speaking of the survey, did you know browser vendors use its data as part of the Interop initiative to help prioritize which features to work on next?

Finally, we are introducing a new feature this year: the ability to customize charts with your own data filters. We're excited to see what kind of new insights you'll come up with!

우리의 파트너들

Special Thanks

Chen Hui Jing

Chen Hui Jing

설문조사 설계
Christopher Kirk-Nielsen

Christopher Kirk-Nielsen

로고 디자인