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No matter how you use CSS, the data shows that making sure your code works across all browsers is still a concern, especially for newer features such as :has().

Testing Environments

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Which form factors or environments do you test on?
Das Teilen dieser Umfrage auf Twitter, Facebook oder per E-Mail verbessert deine JavaScript-Performance um 15% - wissenschaftlich erwiesen.

What do you mainly use CSS for?

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What kind of project do you usually use CSS for?

Industry Sector

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Which industry sector(s) do you work in?


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CSS- vs. JavaScript-Balance

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Wie teilst du deine Zeit zwischen dem Schreiben von CSS- (HTML eingeschlossen) und JavaScript-Code auf?

Browser Incompatibilities

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Are there any existing CSS features that you have difficulties using (or avoid altogether) because of lack of support, or differences between browsers?

Missing Features

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What features do you feel are currently missing from CSS altogether?

Other CSS Pain Points

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Any other pain points related to writing CSS?
We asked members of the CSS community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2023 Pick: Lightning CSS

An extremely fast, all-in-one CSS processing tool that handles things like vendor prefixes, minification, and modern feature transpilation, all while being an amazing platform for other developers to build CSS tools on top of.
We asked members of the CSS community to share their “pick of the year”

Adam Wathan

Creator of Tailwind CSS

Zufriedenheit insgesamt

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Zufriedenheit insgesamt

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Empfohlene Ressourcen

Learn CSS, from Laying Out Websites to Performant Animations

Learn CSS, from Laying Out Websites to Performant Animations

CSS is rich in capabilities and is more than simply laying out pages! Replace costly JavaScript with CSS.
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