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After some initial growth, it seems like the CSS-in-JS sector has plateaued, and the fact that native CSS itself is adopting many of its main advantages is probably a big contributing factor.

Ratios Over Time

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Retention, interest, usage, and awareness ratio over time.
Styled Components
Styled JSX
CSS Modules
Styled System
Theme UI
Windi CSS

Technologies with less than 10% awareness not included. Each ratio is defined as follows:

  • Retention: would use again / (would use again + would not use again)
  • Interest: want to learn / (want to learn + not interested)
  • Usage: (would use again + would not use again) / total
  • Awareness: (total - never heard) / total

Experiencia a lo largo del tiempo

Opiniones sobre la tecnologías encuestadas a lo largo del tiempo.
Lo volvería a usar
No lo usaría
No estoy interesado
Nunca lo he oído

No se incluyen las tecnologías con solo un año de datos.

División positiva/negativa

Este gráfico se divide en experiencias positivas ("quiero aprender", "volvería a usar") vs. negativas ("no me interesa", "no volvería a usar") en ambos lados de un eje central.

El grosor de la barra representa el número de encuestados que conocen una tecnología.

Otras herramientas

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Satisfacción general

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Recursos recomendados

Intermediate React, v5
Brian Holt

Intermediate React, v5

Learn to build scalable React applications using the latest tools and techniques available in the React ecosystem! This course is modular, where you can pick and choose various react ecosystems you want to learn.
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