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Cosas que destacaron este año.

Característica más adoptada

Concedido a la característica con la mejor progresión inter anual.

The gap property for Flexbox is such a useful addition that it's not surprising it would see a +16.4% progression in 2023

Most Commented Feature

Awarded to the feature which received the most comments.
With 531 comments, no other feature even came close to generating as much feedback as Subgrid.


3. CSS Nesting: 65

Mayor satisfacción

Concedido a la tecnología con el mayor porcentaje de usuarios satisfechos.

Out of all the CSS-in-JS solutions, Open Props is the only one that maintained a sky-high 91% retention ratio.


2. CSS Modules: 84.5%
3. UnoCSS: 82%

Con más respuestas escritas

Awarded to the item with the most write-in answers
With 52 mentions, Panda was the tool most mentioned in freeform questions by far.


3. Yandex: 24